chewed up..... {coffee filter}

i have a little pile of gesso'd coffee filters ready to go. they are super handy to grab. i recently had a painting break through and though i would try it out on a coffee filter......

not sure if i had too much paint, or if the substrate just doesn't work the same......or a little of both; but, either way....this filter was not working the way i wanted it to.

my fix is to throw whatever is not working into my sewing machine...... however, my sewing machine had started calling its' own shots lately.

well...... sometime you need to test those waters one more time.

you know- just see.

make sure.

i could tell as i was sewing around the circle that the sewing machine was acting funny; but how funny?!..... as i kept going.

when i did finally stop it was because half the filter was all smooshed up now and caught in the machine......crap. so i carefully pulled the filter out, but the poor thing had a bit of a war wound.

i think it just lends to the filter's charm- oddly unique with its' strange collection of found papers in my studio. 

listed in my shop.

happy friday.

xo. kristin