Daily Practice

I remember taking art classes when I was first starting out and the instructors would talk about daily practice. The importance of it and that they painted every day.

I also remember thinking that they were crazy. You paint every day?!

But I get it now. And, I have learned that “daily practice” can look a different way. Maybe you don’t actually get to your studio, but you read your new art magazine. Or gathering your supplies and putting them all together in your creative space so the next day you can make/ create.

Maybe you can get to your studio but you don’t feel inspired? There are some days I go with a cup of coffee and will sit in my studio. Just looking at the space and taking it all in and the next thing I know, I am standing at my desk digging through the paper pile.

My best trick is to clean. Lol! I will start cleaning and will end up finding something that will need to go into a journal, or onto another page somewhere else. Or I will think, I wonder what would happen if I did this? And then of course, the cleaning stops and the creating starts.

And to be clear, not everything I make is “beautiful.” But, those creations are a step along the way and are important. I learned that this + that = a mess.

Ok- I won’t do that next time.

If you are posting to social media, this is your journey. And your journey is important. You need to see and remember when you started and where you were at, so you can also realized how far you have come. It isn’t about the likes. It is the fact that you made it to the studio (or your creative space) and made something. You showed up and did something. Give your self credit.

That is why the 100 day project is good. It pushes us to create daily. It doesn’t have to be big or beautiful- you just need to create daily and get into the habit.

Do you create daily? And, if you started the 100 day project, are you still going?- let me know! Leave me a comment with any of your tricks to get to the studio daily.

xo. Kristin