Fabric bowls

Pulling together some information and a video on the fabric bowls i have been making.

The bowl I made during the video is using a cut off milk carton, but you can use balloons following the same process. The balloons offer some different options of size depending on how large you blow up the balloon.

The other piece I would add is if you do the balloon bowls, it may be good to add a “holder” to the bottom to keep the bowl at the angle you want. See the picture below.

You can see that there are options when choosing the position of the “holder” to determine whether the bowl will sit fully as a bowl versus at an angle.

The other thing I want to point out is that you can see that the holder doesn’t need to be perfectly placed- just get it to the approximate spot or position, and get it glued into place.

Especially with the balloon bowls, I did do more trimming of the fabric to round off the fabric edges. With the square bowls, i really only needed to trim threads; and liked the unevenness on the square bowls.

Without further ado….. let’s get to the process video. Let me know if you have any questions.

xo. kristin