collage = happiness

believe in yourself……..this painting above represents a pivot point in my 100 day project.

besides the daily practice, this project has brought about a reminder of personal creative awareness.

as you would think by now, I would know and understand to just listen to my muse. why buck the system?!

and don’t get me wrong- pushing outside of your comfort zone or doing something you haven’t done is good for personal artistic growth. however…..

i.e.- this year’s 100paintingswithkp….. my initial thought was to do “paintings” without the use of any collage…..

silly girl. why am I making this harder than it needs to be and dreading the daily practice?!

i am…… a mixed media, collage artist.

allowing myself the use of collage within these paintings = happiness

and to be fair, the feeling of me again when i look at the paper.

along with an urgency and need to continue this project and see it through.

we are past the half way point…… here is to reaching 100

if you are doing, or have done the 100 day project- share a thought or lesson learned about your experience. please let me know i am not alone in this revelation through practice.

xo. Kristin