Comfort zone

thursday my mind was in its’ own state.

to be real with you, i had received an email saying my next in person class was only half full and there is a good chance that it may be cancelled. this would be two classes in row.

Aug class = cancelled; not enough sign ups….

and so, down the rabbit hole i go. is it the class? it is the economy? is is me? (and you know how your self will tell you- it is totally you)……..i had tried several other distractions, but couldn’t quite quiet the self-talk until i started this.

i starting collecting, grabbing bits and pieces. bought. saved.

sticker picked off of something else. trimmed. stitched.

i slowly made the internal stuff first. glueing. sewing. collaging. i love making tid-bits.

listening to music. wishing for a cloudy, rainy day (it was full sunshine- insert eye roll)- wanting the weather to get on my level; but to no avail.

i had a call with a friend in the midst of all of this and almost cancelled, but, so appreciated the visit and valued her point of view and words. not to mention, i tried to quickly change the subject, and she was like- no, shouldn’t we talk about how to resolve this?! well maybe. lol. (thank you)

once we were done with the call, i continued to keep my hands busy and my mind searching for the next detail. i love that i was able to retreat into this. this is a comfort zone.

piecing papers…. gluing. stitching. using found words (which would bring a smile).

at the end of the day….. it will be what it is. filled. not filled. cancelled.

and i will continue doing. making. creating. and just because one door closes, only means another will open elsewhere……. life is full of ups and downs and never perfect. heck… that is what i preach- embrace the imperfections. so when one way doesn’t work, i will problem solve the shit out of it to make it work….. just watch me. :)

and for the possibility that you are still here reading- let me share a walk through of the delicious paper matchbook. (in case you would like to know- I do have an online class DNA of a Matchbook if you are interested)- but here is the flip thru.

thank you for being here and for listening.

xo. kp