art marks- let's talk

art marks, acrylic painting, alteredstatesstudio, mixed media

One of the questions i get asked is about art marks. I will be honest on this topic and say, I know I am heavy-handed and I believe that lend itself to my style.

I like to look at something and know that the artist meant to make that mark. Not look and wonder IF something was there. Be intentional. Make the mark.

And, as I am writing, I wondered…. does this apply across the fields of media? like, is it different for me when I am painting with acrylic versus watercolor?

And for me….. I will say no. It doesn’t matter what I am painting with. I like seeing the pencil lines (or pen lines) through the layers of either medium. Each line or mark adds interest.

Have I gotten too crazy with the marks?…. OF COURSE I HAVE! But, that is what gesso or more paint is for…. to cover some of those up and push them back. Creating interest again…. and allowing the viewer to ask themselves- “does she have lines way out here?” …. yes. I probably do. :)

And keep in mind, some of this is your own personal preference.

The other reason I like heavy-handed art marks, is that depending on the paper, it could (and very well may) “damage” the paper. Tearing through the fibers and pulp, so that when I add the next layer, that color will be “taken up” differently than the paper that remains intact. So I don’t have to work as hard to create variation or interest…. this is doing the work for me.

When looking at the picture above, I still like the image on the left with the lighter lines, because I did go back over it and added those heavier lines at the end. This creates variation of the lines, so still works for me.

I have a short video to walk you through my thought process so you can see how the pic above came together.

Let me know if you have questions and I would love to hear if you are heavy handed like me, or prefer lighter lines and marks.

xo. Kristin